Thursday, November 15, 2007

Graduation Night

As We Go On
We Remember
All The Times We
Had Together
As Our Lives Change
Come Whatever
We Will Still Be

That's the most touching part of the event...
Wahh...why must they sing this song?
Vanessa and Anjali were the first among the table to cry.
Seeing them made Sabrina cry and Jayne claughing (crying and laughing)
Me and Qiao Yu were going to cry but we didn't.
Seeing all of them cry made me want to cry...

Ok, let's not talk about this before someone cries again...

The food was quite nice.
I liked the eclairs the most...Yumm...
Jayne was a MONSTER who actually filled her plate with a pile of food...
Worst of all...
She finished it...
and had dessert!
After eating everything, she remembered she had to do cartwheels for her performance.
Don't worry, she didn't vomit.

Now the performances...

1st Place: Don't Blink (6A)
2nd : Impossibility (6A&6B)

I forgot who's 3rd...

Cheers and toasts to our class!!!

I don't wish to write about this any longer...

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Mind Map Festival 2007

We went to S.I.M. for the Mind Map Festival today. We were served with water and delicious muffins on arrival. There were only 2 flavours: Banana and Chocolate. The banana one was tasted nicer... to me.
After what seemed like hours, the host told us we were going to break some weird record:
1. Most number of people who drank Brand's Essense of Chicken together.
( By the way, it tastes horrible...)
2. Longest human wave
( 5 min.)
3. Longest human wave of fitness lunges
(5 min.)
The one where you bend one knee and keep the other straight
4. Longest human wave of half squats

Weird right??!! F.Y.I. It's the Singapore Record Book, not Guiness'. We only broke record 1, 3, 4. It was rather lame.

Drinking the Brand's Essense of Chicken was...Yuck. To think Crystal and Lijean liked it.

Oh ya, forgot to tell you the main purpose of the event:
to launch the world's largest mindmap...
it's 14m by 10m.
It's about Singapore, but I didn't exactly read it.

The speech was awfully loonngg and dry...Yawn...
when it was finally over, they launced the mindmap.
it was actually covered with many balloons which floated to the high, high ceiling...
then burst!!! Some weirdos fought for the burst balloon.

That ended the festival and we went home with 2 free Brand's Essense of Chicken and a packet of Brand's Billberry. Ok, at least we got something

Monday, November 5, 2007

Crabbies' Garden =D

O.K. First, the info...

Members : Me
Li Yuan
Competition : Sandwich Making Competition ---- I know, (._.)lll
Name of Sandwich: Crabbies' Garden----As seen above

Yipee!!! We got 2nd place!!!
Our sandwich was actually a butter roll, 3 of them.
First, we spread margarine on the sliced butter roll.
Then, we placed the ham, lettuce and cheese on it in a nice manner.
To make it a "crab", we poked cherry tomatoes into the bun. =D
It looked cute!!!
Pity I didn't take a picture of it. *sobs*
Oh yes, the so-called "garden".
It was actually just some vegetables in a special sauce,
therefore the name of "Crabbies' Garden".
Well, it does sound a bit lame,
but, *haha*
we won!!

The judges didn't taste it.
In the end, Mikhael, Joseph, Li Yuan and Nurin ate it.
I was the guinea pig who tested the sandwich at home
so I already tasted it.
Mikhael, Joseph, Li Yuan and Nurin wanted to try it
and so they had.
Gary...I don't know...
he was stuck with his group's (consisting of himself, Mikhael and Joseph) sandwich:
Husband and Wife-Romeo and Juliet.
Alright, maybe there was a slight creativity in it,
but trust me,
it looked quite disgusting.
So, Gary was left to eat that,
after which he told me he wanted to puke...

Back to my sandwich,
Mikhael had one,
Li Yuan had one,
Nurin had half,
Joseph had half.

The conversation among us...

Mikhael: Nice eh
Joseph : Not fair larh, you got one whole piece!
(After some time...)
Joseph : It's good! (In the tone of Mocca's car advertisement)
Mikhael: Eh, Joseph look! (Gobbles up the last of his sandwich)

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Qiao Yu Song

Today, there was supposed to be an audition for what they call the talent quest for the Primary 6 pupils. In the end, only 3 groups performed due to the lack of time. I went to school today because of this!!! I shouldn't have come to school.

Disappointing moments...
1. Jayne, Qiao Yu and Sabrina didn't perform in the audition today.
2. I'll not be able to see them perform.

Humourous moments...
1. Sabrina created songs about Qiao Yu being a coconut. (See Below)
2. The way Yu Qiang sang was so...funny.

Frustrating moments...
1. Nurin and I don't know what to do for the sandwich making competition
2. (This one, I shall keep personal)

Qiao Yu The Coconut Song
(To The Tune of "Frosty The Snowman")

Qiao Yu the coconut
She is brown and has white flesh
She lives in a tall tall tree
She is broken when she lands on the ground
She waits everyday for the sea
To carry her to a far away beach
So that she can disperse and reproduce
And last but not least
She is Qiao Yu the coconut

Adapted from: Sabrina

See Sabrina's blog in my links for some more wacky songs in our collection of "Banana Remix"!;)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

In Mdm Ng's Chinese Class...

First of all, there's something wrong with the timing of my first post, so sorries!!
Now, diverting the direction to Mdm Ng...
She is rather boring,
She has lots of things to say,
In which she can say again and again...
Today she only taught us 1 pathetic unit of chinese civics and moral education.
For 1 hour!
Best of all, she said in the beginning she would rUNN through it.
Like wow,
She sure "runs" like a tortoise!